Why Do We Always Get Our Best Ideas in the Shower?
…Or when you’re out for a walk, or in a spin class, or just chatting about your day with a friend? Because you’re relaxed, doing something pleasant, and focused elsewhere. Calming down enough to let your mind wander aimlessly will often lead you to that Aha! Moment you’ve been needing. This phenomenon has even been studied by scientists, who conducted experiments to prove that taking a walk outside will boost your creative idea flow.
But we can’t always get the space to go for a walk in the middle of the workday. And it’s probably unrealistic to plan to shower in your office whenever you get a creative block. I’ve previously suggested intentionally planning your days to allow downtime, while some businessmen at HBR suggest using basic mindfulness practices to allow your brain the space to have Aha! Moments.
Here are some tips you can fold into your normal workday to help open yourself to more creative ideas:
- Relax. Take some quiet time to yourself, away from the people you otherwise have to work, meet, or speak with. Just breath and be alone with your thoughts. Instead of zoning out on your phone, be intentional about leaving behind the technology and other things that could otherwise be distracting. Sometimes I’ll bring a piece of paper and write down all my thoughts.
- Do something that makes you feel good. Maybe it’s going for a walk, chatting with a friend, or listening to an inspirational podcast (I really like TED Radio Hour by NPR). Whatever works for you, go do it. Give yourself a positive energy boost and take a real break from the task you’re working on.
- Focus elsewhere. Work out, watch mindless TV, or play a solo game like Bejeweled. When you’re focused on something that only requires minimal cognitive capacity, you’re still able to let your mind wander enough to make it susceptible to an Aha! Moment.
- Take a nap. You’ve heard the advice to “sleep on it,” but that’s actually based in reality. When you wake up calm, relaxed, and rejuvenated you’ll have the mental clarity to re-evaluate the task at hand.
Not only are these tips great for inspiring creative ideas, but they’re also helpful when you’re trying to make a big decision. Whatever you’re working on or thinking about, the important thing is to relax, give yourself some mental space and a touch of positivity and you’re sure to make the best move forward.